Investment Planning Services

Investment Planning & Monitoring
For non-discretionary portfolio management services, Tennessee Wealth Management will develop an investment plan that is efficient, personal, understandable and fee and tax conscious. We will monitor your assets and risk exposure to ensure that the returns per unit of risk are optimized. We will provide recommendations as to your ongoing asset allocation and specific investment selections as either market conditions change and/or your circumstances change. You will have complete control over the execution of our recommendations.
- We start this process by working with you to understand your goals and your sensitivity to volatility. We help you express to us your needs for wealth protection, asset growth and requirements for income. We will discuss your tolerance for risk and the implications that will have on your ability to meet your goals. This information will form the foundation of your investment plan.
- We then evaluate your current investment plan by pulling together all of your investments into a single analysis and seeing if the asset allocation, underlying investments, fees, tax efficiencies, and risk profile match your stated goals. This will provide a clear picture of where you currently stand.
- Using the information gathered in step one we will create a suitable personalized investment plan. The investment plan will include an optimal asset allocation, a risk profile that meets your level of comfort and specific low-cost investment recommendations for each account. In most cases we use exchange traded index funds to fulfill the asset class requirements. Where an asset class may display historical inefficiencies we may recommend using appropriate mutual funds. We will usually try to recommend direct investment in fixed income products however this will depend on the size of the account. During this process we will also endeavor to make recommendations that are tax efficient.
- We will present to you in a clear, straightforward way where you are in relation to your investment goals, where you need to be, and a specific plan of action for getting there that minimizes costs and maximizes efficiency.
- We will monitor the investments for you in order to make sure that the asset allocation remains in balance and is updated as your needs change. We also look at the underlying investments and make sure that they remain appropriate for your portfolio. We continue to monitor the risk associated with your plan and make sure that it remains within the predetermined bounds. Should we determine that there needs to be an adjustment to any part of the portfolio we will explain why we believe that to be the case and make specific recommendations for change to you directly.
Investment Planning, Monitoring, Maintenance and Implementation
Where Tennessee Wealth Management enters into discretionary arrangements with clients, we will develop an investment plan that is efficient, personal, understandable and fee and tax conscious. We will monitor your assets and risk exposure to ensure that the returns per unit of risk are optimized. We will be granted discretion and authority to implement the approved investment plan and any required maintenance to your ongoing asset allocation and investment selection as either market conditions change, you make any large deposits or withdrawals and/or your circumstances change.
- We start this process by working with you to understand your goals and your sensitivity to volatility. We help you express to us your needs for wealth protection, asset growth and requirements for income. We will discuss your tolerance for risk and the implications that will have on your ability to meet your goals. This information will form the foundation of your investment plan.
- We then evaluate your current investment plan by pulling together all of your investments into a single analysis and seeing if the asset allocation, underlying investments, fees, tax efficiencies, and risk profile match your stated goals. This will provide a clear picture of where you currently stand.
- Using the information gathered in step one we will create a suitable personalized investment plan. The investment plan will include an optimal asset allocation, a risk profile that meets your level of comfort and specific low-cost investment recommendations for each account. In most cases we use exchange traded index funds to fulfill the asset class requirements. Where an asset class may display historical inefficiencies we may recommend using appropriate mutual funds. We will usually try to recommend direct investment in fixed income products however this will depend on the size of the account. During this process we will also endeavor to make recommendations that are tax efficient.
- Upon your approval we will implement the plan placing all appropriate trades for you.
- We will monitor the investments for you in order to make sure that the asset allocation remains in balance and is updated as your needs change. We also look at the underlying investments and make sure that they remain appropriate for your portfolio. We continue to monitor the risk associated with your plan and make sure that it remains within the predetermined bounds. Should we determine that there needs to be an adjustment to any part of the portfolio we will implement any required maintenance by placing the appropriate trades on your behalf.
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